Each and everyday, I get closer and closer to deleting my Facebook. I am proud to admit that I was a late bloomer and resisted the Facebook craze until late last summer. The only reason I even got one was so that my future college roommate wouldn't think I was some sort of amish backwoods creature with no link to the outside world except for a string-can telephone. Realistically, I'm not even being that dramatic. Being without a Facebook in today's world could possibly outmatch the negative stigma attached to being home-schooled.
Before its creation, people didn't care about the notifications they'd receive on their birthday, what they would title their photo album, what embarrassing pictures they'd be tagged in, who commented on their status and how many people liked it, or whether or not their relationship was signified by a Facebook icon. Not to mention, Facebook is turning America into a nation full of hippies and wimps. Everyone is being sensitized by the unhealthy amount of attention they're receiving from people described as
"Facebook friends" who like and comment on just about anything posted.
"I hate dumb sluts/girls" A status usually written by a dumb slut/girl that is likely to be approved or commented on by a cluster fuck of many other dumb girl sluts.
"Four Loko. Gonna' be a good night" A status bound to get lots of attention from fellow friends who feel the need to advertise that they do indeed drink and party. But of course before all that drinking and partying, they have to sign onto Facebook and write about it. I'm sure Iggy Pop also made status' about partying before he went out too.
"Bob Marley or Marilyn Monroe quote/Beatles or Katy Perry song." People commonly replicate quotes and song lyrics on their Facebook page. In this world, they say that nothing is certain. I disagree. 100% of the time, these people do not live accordingly to the verses and quotes that they so passionately believe define the spirit of their lives.
P.S marilyn monroe was a pill popping whore and katy perry needs to publicly admit that she looks identical to Zooey Deschanel.
So, close out of the Aubrey Hepburn quote page and the Phish lyrics tab and instead of telling some girl your going to kick her worthless whore ass in a Facebook message, do it. Beat the shit out of each other until your hands are too mangled to type in your username and password.
Guilty pleasure turns to guilty obsession when everyday you say,
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