Finals Week is a Gay Fish.
This week is finals week and I just need to say that everybody is great and is doing whatever it is they should be doing. Why wouldn’t you be playing basketball in the hallway, lacrosse in the common room and blasting Shaggy’s hit single from over a decade ago “Wasn’t Me” directly into my room? I would pick up and relocate to the library but the other day a really amazing person with a taste for knowledge decided that the 2nd floor of the library was the perfect place to hook speakers up to their laptop and watch episodes of South Park. The loudness of the episode lodged itself into my brain and when rereading my paper I found remnants of south park dialogue that had subconsciously snuck out of my brain and jumped on to my paper. I can only imagine the horror my Western Culture’s professor would have felt when she came across these words in my conclusion, “The works of Cicero were crucial to the survival of Rome’s republic because he was a gay fish.”
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